Use Bar Soap to Make Laundry Detergent (And Save Money)


  • Bar of Vela Soap
  • Baking Soda
  • Washing Soda (Sodium Carbonate)*
  • Borax


  1. Using a regular cheese grater, grate the bar of soap to make about one cup of flakes.
  2. In a large, resealable container, combine 1 cup soap flakes, 1 cup baking soda, 1 cup washing soda and 1/2 cup borax. Washing soda is caustic to the skin and you should wear rubber gloves. Mix ingredients well.
  3. Always keep the mixture dry. Use 1/2 cup of mixture per load of laundry in a standard top load washer. Use only 2 tablespoons in a high-efficiency top or front-load washer.

The detergent recipe can be easily doubled. Store in an airtight container. Transfer smaller amounts to a canister or jar to keep handy near the washer. To boost the cleaning power of your homemade detergent, increase the amount of borax used in the formula.*If you can't find washing soda, you can make your own washing soda from baking soda. Preheat your oven 400 degrees F. Pour a thick (1/2 inch or so) layer of baking soda on the bottom of the baking dish. Bake for 1 hour, stirring 1-2 times in the middle, or until it has changed in look and feel. Baking soda has a silky/powdery feel and washing soda is more grainy and not silky. The baking soda will need to reach the full 400 degrees for this reaction to take place, so give it time. Let cool and store in an air-tight jar.


6 Alternative Uses for Bar Soap that You Can’t Do with Liquid Soap


The Roman Legend of the Origin of Soap