The Fresh Smell of Soap

Did you know that the first soaps were actually quite stinky? They were made of animal fats and ashes, so that’s what they smelled like. They were quite harsh to boot. These first soaps weren’t really used to clean bodies, but clothes and objects.Eventually, soap makers in the Middle East, Spain, and Italy began using more mild smelling and gentle vegetable oils to make soap. They would even add pleasing herbal or floral scents when possible. These scented soaps were highly coveted. This soap was expensive though, and generally only available to royalty or other wealthy people.As people began to understand the benefits of cleanliness and hygiene, soap became a household necessity. Different soaps for different purposes were developed. Pleasant scented soaps were desirable, and scents continued to be added to soaps as the art of perfuming became more understood as well.Today one can buy soap that smells anyway they like. From unscented, to sweet smells, to spicy smells, to floral smells, to fruity smells...there is a bar of soap out there for everyone. We happen to think Vela offers soaps that smell particularly amazing.


Properly Treat Your Bar Soap So It Lasts


Have We Always Known About Germs?