What is Saponification?

Saponification is simply the process of making soaps. Soaps are just potassium or sodium salts of long-chain fatty acids. During saponification, ester reacts with an inorganic base to produce alcohol and soap. Generally, it occurs when triglycerides (animal or vegetable fats) are reacted with potassium or sodium hydroxide (lye) to produce glycerol and fatty acid salt – called soap.Saponification generally takes about 1-2 days to complete once the lye and oils have been mixed and the raw soap has been poured into molds. Sometimes heat is used during this process, which speeds up the saponification. Hot process soap can be used immediately, but are generally more rustic, softer soap bars. At Vela we cold process our soaps, then let them cure for 4-6 weeks before they are ready to use. This allows us to make beautiful, harder soap bars that will last you longer.


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