Unpacking the Packaging: Why Vela Bath & Body Uses Eco-Friendly Materials

At Vela Bath & Body, we believe it is important to take care of our collective environment. We understand the environmental impact of packaging that just ends up in the trash and landfills, so we strive to be eco-friendly. But, what does eco-friendly packaging mean to us?

We define eco-friendly packaging as packaging that is designed in a way that aims to reduce the total waste. We ultimately want to decrease the overall environmental impact of our products. In an effort to bring the eco-friendly “goal post” closer, we search for packaging solutions that are biodegradable, recyclable, or made from renewable resources. Small steps count! Our packaging is designed so it doesn’t require glue. We also use vegetable-based dyes to create the ink on our packaging.

At Vela, we understand that going green is a journey for everyone, rather than an easy 100% switch. We’re committed to improving our practices wherever we can, and reassessing our solutions as we go, and new ones become apparent. We want to provide our customers with relaxing and revitalizing bath and body products that offer the additional peace of mind of knowing they're making an environmentally friendly choice. At Vela Bath & Body, we believe beauty doesn’t have to equal pain for Mother Earth.


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