Reasons to Ditch Body Wash for Natural Bar Soap

Many people are partial to liquid body wash. It is widely available and advertised. But, we think there are some pretty good arguments for ditching that body wash and switching to a natural bar soap.Natural bar soaps are made with premium ingredients such as olive oil, shea butter, and plant based essential oils. Liquid body washes are actually detergents full of petroleum by-product chemicals.Natural bar soaps contain naturally occurring glycerin, which moisturizes your skin. Bar soap only got the reputation of being drying because most commercial bar soaps on the supermarket shelf are also actually detergents. Or, they have removed the glycerin in order to make lotion to sell.Natural bar soap does not require preservatives to stay fresh, safe, and effective. Body wash requires preservatives due to the high water content. Not all preservatives are bad, but we think less is more.Natural bar soaps reduce plastic bottle waste. Liquid body wash results in empty plastic bottles that can be difficult to recycle and breakdown into microplastics. Plastics are terrible for the environment.When you stop and think about it, natural bar soap makes a lot of sense. Using natural bar soap in the shower instead of liquid body wash is something that feels good for your skin and the environment. Who wouldn’t love that?


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