Is Bar Soap Dirty?

Does that seem like a strange question? Bar soap sometimes suffers from a popular misconception that it breeds bacteria and germs and could make you sick. It doesn’t! Let’s break it down for you.First of all, bacteria and germs don't inherently thrive in soap. Bacteria are attracted to water though. So, if you don’t store your soap properly, bacteria could conceivably set up camp in that pool of water surrounding your bar soap, or the layer of water on top of your soap. That’s why it’s important to store your soap properly and let it dry between uses if possible.What if it’s still wet when you go to use it? Simply rinse off the bar of soap before you start lathering up. The running water will rinse away any germs with the water, since the function of soap is literally to surround germs so they can be rinsed away. If a rinse doesn’t convince you, the act of lathering your soap to use it will certainly round up any remaining germs.If you are concerned that the germs are now on your skin in all that soapy lather, do not fret. By lathering and rinsing properly, the soap binds with the dirt, germs, and water at the same time, and is washed away by the running water. Simply put, even if germs were present on your bar of soap, by the end of the washing process, you will always be left clean.


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