How to Recycle Soap Scraps

When using bar soap, there inevitably comes a time when the soap becomes an annoying thin sliver that is hard to deal with. Instead of dropping it constantly, or struggling with it disintegrating into awkward chunks in your hand, or even throwing it away - start a collection of soap scraps. You can then use these soap scraps to make a full size bar of soap. The best part is the cycle is endless. You can collect scraps and reform it into an easier to deal with bar, over and over again.

  1. Gather at least a cupful of soap scraps.
  2. Chop the scraps into tiny pieces for easier melting.
  3. Place the chopped up pieces of soap in a small saucepan, over medium heat, with enough water that the scraps are almost covered.
  4. Constantly stir everything with a wooden spoon or spatula.
  5. Once the mixture has a smooth, soupy consistency, remove from heat.
  6. Grease a muffin tin, small bowl, styrofoam cup, whatever you have handy.
  7. Pour the mixture into the chosen container.
  8. Wait for it to completely solidify (depending on your climate this may take a couple of days). You are ready to use your recycled bar of soap!

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